Fast fashion has become, in today’s society, the new norm. We are continuously pushed to buy a new version of what we already have. Unfortunately, this has a huge cost, for our waters, air, resources and for all species, including humans. Fed up with the old fashion industry model that values low quality, short term ephemeral products, we believed we had to step up and be part of the change. What we are trying to encourage through Solios is a new way to perceive fashion. We want to give people the option to consume sustainable goods without having to sacrifice on design, attractive price or durable quality. We believe we can influence a new way to live and consume as a society and together create a real change in the world.
A place where you can feel that people are whiling to make an effort towards sustainable consumption, we truly believe that change comes from each individual person and action, by reducing, recycling, consuming in an ethical manner, and doing business in a smarter way. We want to be part of the new generation of people developing products and services that reduce harm done to the environment while promoting respect towards one another. Our objective is to create a sustainable brand, positioned for positive change. Montreal is the perfect way to represent our brand: young, energetic, artistic, inclusive, sustainable and innovative. Our city is our greatest inspiration.
Montreal, Canada