Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Jan 06, 2022 12:00 PM

What is your earliest design memory?

I started hand-making jewelry during my last year of college. One of my designs was a pair of over-sized gold hoop earrings with mother of pearl and stardust beads. They were so bold and extravagant. The earrings were such a hit amongst family and friends I ended up selling so many pairs. This is what led to the start of my jewelry career.   


Where do you find inspiration?

Being a creative, I have a large imagination and can pull inspiration from many different themes, however, I mainly find my inspiration from music and modern art. I also love the 1960’s era and have a hint of that era’s aesthetic in my collection.


What do you consider to be the greatest motivation behind your work?

I absolutely love what I do and feel very blessed that I can spend my days designing and working with such a talented team. I have known and worked with my jewelers for many years, so we have formed a great relationship. They all work so hard to make the collection look beautiful and flawless down to the smallest details.  Their passion fuels my motivation and it is such a blessing to be working alongside them. 


What’s the best piece of business advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?

 I heard this many years ago and it’s my approach towards business. Expect the best, plan for the worst and prepare to be surprised!


“I like to keep our brand and presence very upbeat and positive, so when creating the name for the brand, Future Fortune just felt perfect.”


What is your favorite fashion film/show?

There are so many to pick from, but for me, Breakfast at Tiffany’s perfectly captures the style that really defines my favorite era and aesthetic. It is just pure elegance mixed with the right amount of fun!


Do you have a favorite piece that you designed? 

I’m absolutely wild for the Bianca bracelet! It took about nine months to develop. Diamonds symbolize so much from light and life to purity and perfection, so my goal was to create a beautiful diamond bracelet that captures all of what a diamond symbolizes.


“I want our brand to be known for its originality and vision by always pushing the boundaries of design and elegance.“


Do you ever have creative blocks? If so, how do you overcome them?

I think stress can create creative blocks, so I try to always stay calm and relaxed when I’m designing and being creative. If I ever end up with a block, I will brew a fresh cup of coffee, listen to some music and start researching ideas until I get lost and find my inspiration. Then the ideas come!


What is the inspiration for your brand’s name?

A few different things inspired the name. I love to dream about what the future holds for us. At the same time, the mid-century era was very futuristic in terms of design. I like to keep our brand and presence very upbeat and positive, so when creating the name for the brand, Future Fortune just felt perfect.


What would you like your brand to be known/recognized for?

 So much creativity and hard work goes into the designs. I want our brand to be known for its originality and vision by always pushing the boundaries of design and elegance.


How important is social media to your brand?

It’s very important as a platform to show your brand’s aesthetic and inspiration. Social media is such a unique way to engage with your clients and get them excited about the brand in a way that was never possible before.