Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Dec 04, 2020 04:08 AM

What inspired you to create your own brand? 

As business partners, we both were passionate about travelling and had a clear vision on doing business with low impact to the environment. We believed that being cool and savvy is not more important than being sustainable. We shortly realized that there was a gap in the market for a good travel bag that was functional, durable, good looking and at the same time, sustainable!

Most of the high-quality fabrics suitable for backpacks are made out of nylon and polyester, which are made of crude oil and make the products highly polluting.

It was during our first trip to Taiwan where we got to know and learn about fabrics made from discarded plastic bottles. We were amazed by the possibility of having a high-quality fabric made of plastic bottles, which allowed us to give a second life to plastic waste and at the same time, avoid the use of natural resources such as crude oil. We then started building up what LEFRIK is today. A 100% sustainable and ethical accessories brand.


Did you always know you wanted to be a designer? Why or Why not?

I am not a designer. (Haha) I handle the business side of the brand, but I have been passionate about fashion since I started my professional career. I enjoy creating something from nothing and watching how your creation can solve an individual’s desire or need.


What is the inspiration for your brand’s name?

LEFRIK doesn't mean anything and that was something we loved about the name. It’s short and easy to remember!


"My ultimate goal as a CEO is to build a brand recognized worldwide for its impact on the environment and for being an outstanding place for employees to work."


If you could do something different before starting your business what would it be?

Travel around the world. I believe traveling is the best source of education. While traveling and meeting different people from different cultures, you open your eyes and mind to many things. You realize where you have to improve and most importantly, you learn to relativize problems.


What was the toughest circumstance you overcame when just starting out your business? 

The feeling of being alone is very tough, but it’s a reality when building your company. You cannot always share the problems with your team and family, as you always need to stay strong and show confidence.


What does the word “success” mean to you?

My ultimate goal as a CEO is to build a brand recognized worldwide for its impact on the environment and for being an outstanding place for employees to work.


Do you feel working in the fashion industry is different today than from when you started out? Why or why not?

Absolutely! Fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world and in recent years, the idea of a better way of making fashion has emerged. Thanks to this, everybody is moving in another direction.


"Today, quality, durability, transparency and traceability are the most important values a brand can offer to their costumer, superseding price or immediacy."


Are you passionate about something other than fashion?

I am very passionate about traveling, music and my family!


What direction do you believe the fashion industry is headed to?

When I started working in the fashion industry, companies focused on fast fashion, trying to reduce timings and costs. Now, consumers are changing their habits to a more sustainable way of living and they look for brands who care about their impact. Today, quality, durability, transparency and traceability are the most important values a brand can offer to their costumer, superseding price or immediacy.


How has COVID-19 impacted your business and how are you navigating differently now than before?

This global crisis has helped us realize that we are on the right path when talking about slow fashion. We had the chance to reorganize everything without affecting any of our suppliers directly.

I believe, based on my experience, that COVID has helped us join forces and realize that we can count on each other, even through difficult times. We were lucky this time; being a slow fashion brand played in our favor.