Designer Interview

By: FashWire
Aug 25, 2023 11:04 AM

What is your earliest design memory for your brand?

During college I received a box of vintage buttons from a friend’s grandmother and thought it seemed silly to have them sit in a box, so I turned them into barattes, headbands and earrings. Friends started asking where I got them, so I decided to start a little cottage industry out of my dorm room. Crafting and Upcycling have been a favorite past time for me from early on - a way for me to express my artistic abilities.


What is the story behind the name of your brand, Nest Factory?

Originally my first thought was Nest with the idea of “home,” “something is building,” a place that’s cozy…but Nest was a bit too vague (also quite used…) so I liked the idea of adding the word Factory - to connect the brand as a place where one can build/create their own cozy place/style. I also thought it was a fun play on words.


“Nest Factory is a social enterprise brand aiming to promote, encourage and make social change. Sustainable fashion, slow fashion, women empowerment, and promotion of handmade/artisan made.”


Where do you find inspiration?

Traveling has always been big for me. Even when I was younger, I would love popping into the car and just driving - seeing if I could find something new, a market, café, nature park etc. As I’ve gotten older the world has opened to me, I’ve been grateful so see many different counties. I love exploring new cultures, especially regarding architecture, hand craft and food. People can make the most amazing things!

I also love the sea. I think that is why I’ve gravitated to creating garments that work well for the beach environment. My husband promised me if I’d move to Finland I could retire on the beach of my choice, and I’ll hold him to that….


Do you have a favorite piece that you have designed? 

I’m proud of the Maxi dress as it’s something a little different and works well with many shapes. It’s fun at the shop seeing it tried on with many different body shapes and producing huge smiles on the clients. It’s also a garment that still has relevance over time - it’s been my best seller for the past 3 years.


What was your previous work experience before launching your brand?

I’m a social worker by profession and worked a lot with immigrants which I loved. When I moved to Finland, I spent a few years writing corporate responsibility reports for the phone industry which was eye opening and a little depressing but encouraged me to: A. work for myself and B. create something that positively contributes.


How would you describe the style you aim for your brand?

Casual, slightly ethnic, boho, beachy – these are terms that connect to Nest Factory’s style.


What brand values are the most important for Nest Factory?

Nest Factory is a social enterprise brand aiming to promote, encourage and make social change. Sustainable fashion, slow fashion, women empowerment, and promotion of handmade/artisan made.


What sets your brand apart from the rest?

We offer lovely quality, easy-to-wear pieces for affordable prices and a feel-good story.


What were some hurdles you had to overcome in your business?

I’ve started this on my severance package from my previous job which has been an uphill battle. There was/is a lot to cover: costs for branding, marketing, IT support etc…so it’s been a big learning curve. I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of good people and a great husband on my cheering squad. My esthetic is also not necessarily Finnish, so I had to do a lot of “educating,” especially in the beginning, talking about the difference between handmade and machine made, how to combine an ethnic and Scandi look. People need to understand “Made in India” or some other developing country doesn’t mean it should be cheap.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to a new designer?

Find a good team and surround yourself with people that inspire you.


“It’s encouraging to see that consumers are starting to turn away from fast/disposable fashion and embracing a more quality verses quantity approach to consumption.”


How does sustainability play a role in your brand?

We create small batch, zero waste garments and home items from upcycled materials. 


What sustainable measures has Nest Factory taken to better the environment?

We try to keep a small footprint and come up with ways to utilize all we produce/create. We also work with artisans who have the environment in mind such as water usage with the printing and solar electricity at production sites.


How has the fashion industry changed since you first started out?

I’m not that long into it but I do think it’s encouraging to see that consumers are starting to turn away from fast/disposable fashion and embracing a more quality verses quantity approach to consumption.


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what would it be? 

There’s no shame in things moving slowly and turn off your Instagram “Likes” button.


What should consumers expect to see next from Nest Factory?

I’m making a new series of prints connecting to my kids - it’s been a year of our “nest” getting emptier which has been somewhat sad though also freeing. It’s given me a new outlook on mid-life so to speak - I feel I’m just getting started! There are some new shapes also in the works continuing with our boho vibe which has been fun seeing them come to life.


What is the most important thing you would like your brand to be recognized for?

Items that invoke memories of family vacations, fun times at the beach, and good times with friends that are continued to be worn season after season for years to come.