Designer Interview

By: Fashwire
Jan 07, 2021 04:45 PM

What is the inspiration for your brand’s name?

After suffering a life-threatening illness, forcing me to completely re-evaluate my purpose in life when I received a second chance, I realized that everything should be simple, and we must protect what we have.


Reduce, reuse and recycle are words that are very important to me and for the environment around us. The letter ‘R’ is also a very significant, as it is the first letter of my late father’s name.


Has your city or culture had an impact on how you design?

I think it’s more my everyday lifestyle rather than my city or culture. It’s important for me to maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle, which is what I encourage on my blogs as well. I hope this is evident in all the products we create and design; simplicity is key.


Where do you draw inspiration from for your designs?

Inspiration comes from the social changes in society and from our future generations, including my two children, one Millennial and the other Generation Z. I want them to experience the great environment around us and hope to share our message so that others follow our example.


"My brand's vision is to continue developing products that adapt to lifestyle needs and are also accessible to all generations, whilst being kinder to the environment."


What is the vision for your brand in the next 5 years?

Especially in the current challenging climate, people really need some trustworthy and investment pieces that are staples for everyday life. Our work and home lifestyles have already started to integrate, which I believe is here to stay. My brands vision is to continue developing products that adapt to lifestyle needs and are also accessible to all generations, whilst being kinder to the environment. Our efforts to raise awareness for the environment and neurological conditions through the support of charities will continue to grow.


Do you see your brand ever expanding into a different avenue? Why or why not?

The company that houses the brands is Jardin Living and we are looking to expand into other areas, such as loungewear. There will always be an evolving vision as we try to accommodate the market needs.


How important is social media to your brand?

I think social media is extremely important! We are currently confined to our homes and social platforms have become our main source of communication. Furthermore, consumers are getting their information from different platforms at different times, so it seems great to get our messaging across instantly. It’s also great for us to connect with our ambassadors and consumers so that they can feel a part of the brand’s journey.


What can consumers expect to see next from your brand?

They can expect more transparency as we reveal our story and continue to grow with us. We won’t be doing a huge range of products, but just enough that people will want to invest in. It’s an exciting journey and we can’t wait to tell our consumers the good things going on behind the scenes.


"As a brand owner, I have a sense of responsibility, as others should as well, to take action and create products with a purpose."


What direction do you believe the fashion industry is headed to?

There is so much that needs to change to make the fashion industry a better industry, based on the high pollution rates it currently has. Especially for our future generations, we need to protect what we have. Sustainability is always a word that is shared; however, we need to understand the negative impact the industry is having on the environment. As a brand owner, I have a sense of responsibility, as others should as well, to take action and create products with a purpose.


What has been your biggest accomplishment as a designer to date? 

I think it has to be our newest brand, RATION.L, getting The Vegan Society stamp for our RKIND sneaker! I’m so proud that we have been able to create something that is not harmful to animals and really stands for an important message, not to mention it also fits into the gender-neutral community.


What does the word “success” mean to you?