Weekly Rewards Winner Interview (Best #stayhome Office Attire)

By: Fashwire
Oct 07, 2020 10:01 AM

Describe yourself in 3-5 words?

Gentle, flexible, open.


What is your personal fashion style?

Comfort at (almost) all costs. I’m on the go and hate feeling restricted, so I always choose pieces that encourage movement. 


“It’s so cliché but I want leave the world better than I entered it. For me, I think I can best do that through caring for and sharing humanity with those who are sick."


What is your favorite item in your closet?

A pair of funky pink linen pants from Blue Rain that I purchased from Francesca's. One of the few standout pieces I have. They’re just so fun and comfortable.


You’re picking next seasons color trend. What color would you pick and why?

GREENS! Any shade. I like how versatile green can be - earthy, bright, soothing and bold. White jeans in the summer are my go-to jeans and I love the way white and green work together. 


Is there a designer you would like to see on Fashwire?

I haven’t heard of many of these brands so right now I’m having a lot of fun exploring new brands and expanding my style.


What are your hobbies outside of work?

Biking around Boston, yoga and having coffee with friends.


Why did you decide on pursuing a career as a nurse?

It’s so cliché but I want leave the world better than I entered it. For me, I think I can best do that through caring for and sharing humanity with those who are sick. I also hate sitting down and can’t imagine doing that 40 hours a week!


“I’ve learned so much about what kind of nurse I strive to become from working with the amazing nurses on my floor.”


What do you find rewarding about being a nurse aide?

As a nurse aide, you are helping the nurses but also caring for the patients in a different way. It’s a different kind of care - but I’ve found that the little things can turn around someone’s day even. Plus I’ve learned so much about what kind of nurse I strive to become from working with the amazing nurses on my floor. 


What are your goals for the future?

My immediate goal is to graduate and begin my career as a registered nurse. The world is changing so quickly so I try to live in the present and be open to whatever the future holds.